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roject Teach/Konbit Pwof is offering its 11th annual professional development seminar for Haitian teachers in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, July 1-9, 2009.

The seminar, staffed by teachers from North America and Europe, is attended by Haitian teachers who may never have had any teacher training. It covers teaching methods for core subjects, with a strong emphasis on respecting and protecting children’s rights and the importance of a teacher’s role in society.

Here is what some former Project Teach volunteers have said:

I was struck by the Haitian teachers’ level of enthusiasm. Every morning my “students” sang to me, giving me a sense of pure joy as we began our day. [D.R. 99, 01]

Participating in Project Teach has been the most important professional development experience of my teaching career. The Haitian teachers with whom I had the privilege to work reminded me why teaching is the most important job ever. [M.L. 06, 07]

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