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I am in a sophomore at a community college. And the state decided our sophomore year we have to take this Sophomore Portfolio Assessment class. During the course, each student must do three activites and write small page papers on your experience. Then, at the end, there is a research paper that is not an expansion on the other 3 papers, but the idea for the research paper has to come from one of the three activites the student did. My 3 small papers were about: A. saw a foreign film, Il Divo. B. Watched Bowling for Columbine C. Chose 2 male and 2 female advertisements and write about gender roles in our society. My question is...what topic should I choose??? I thought about doing it on the director of Bowling for Columbine, Michael Moore, but its hard to pinpoint my main idea for the research paper. Help!! Thank you!!

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