MO Teachers
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I'm an experienced teacher trying to move across the country to Missouri for a change in my husband's job. I am in a contract right now until July. I have sent several applications, resumes, etc to jobs posted on MOREAP, and have gotten no phone calls or e-mails. A few of the jobs even reposted their ad several weeks after I applied.

What is the hiring like in MO? Does the actual KCMSD do much hiring? I've noticed their openings are pretty bare right now.

Am I starting to early, or is it the out-of-state address that is causing employers to skip over my qualifications?

Maybe I'm worrying too much. lol. Just looking for some guidance or advice.
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Jaded Teacher Brett,

Thanks for your honest response. I appreciate you taking the time to reply to my post. I guess things are the same everywhere huh? We're going through the exact same thing in the state I live in right now. Pretty scary stuff. I love to teach, but am worried that I got into the profession at the exact wrong time. Quite discouraging. ...See More
Mar 4, 2010
Jerry On the other hand, your areas of certification will make a HUGE difference. Elementary positions may have more applicants, probably because they can teach in any grade level. Counselors, high school science and math, plus SPED teachers are likely more in demand.
Mar 7, 2010
joe Apply to the charter schools...that is where all of the kids eventually will be...every urban system that competes now is seeing the same thing... half the kids all left for the charter and choice voucher schools due to liberal incompetence, the idiots never adjusted and now have way too much space and costs are way up, couple that with unions who ...See More
Mar 7, 2010
JT Thanks everyone for all of the responses. Unfortunately, I'm licensed in English - Secondary. It does seem that there are more elementary openings and definitely SPED. I wish I would have been told back when to go for a double major/certification.

I currently teach at a charter school in CA so I have no problem going to a charter rather t...See More
Mar 8, 2010
m You should take the Praxis test to add areas of certification. The teacher certification page on the Dept. of Elementary and Secondary Education contains info about this. Good luck
Mar 8, 2010

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