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Do any school districts allow the faculty to do an evaluation on the Principals. I really think it would be a valuable tool. SOmetimes you have principals you can't talk too and if they knew the weaknesses they have, maybe they would become better principals. I know one of our principals only had 3 years teaching in the classroom before he became principal. I have 28 years and I see a lot of problems. One of the principals only taught JROTC and is a military man. The problems we have are our principals being consistant in their discipline across the board. WE as teachers are expected to be consistant in our teaching and controling the classrooms, but if it frustrating when we try and then need help from the office, we don't get it becuse the Principals are really inconsistant in dealing with the kids. Very frustrating!!!
anon It SHOULD be done, and the faculty should have the ultimate say in whether that principal stays or goes.

I would be surprised if this is allowed anywhere in the country and if it is, the evaluations would be meaningless since the principal's boss is the one who does them.

On 4/19/13, Gary wrote: > Do any school districts allo...See More
Apr 19, 2013
Gary I do agree with you on this. Our Supt does not even know what our principal does so how can they make an accurate observation. We as teachers have to be observed teaching lessons in class and have walk in's at any time. This should also happen with the principal. It would be nice if the district could come up with a form even a simple one with guid...See More
Apr 19, 2013

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