MS Teachers
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I am a first year teacher that teaches middle school. I
have been the victim of numerous verbal attacks where I
have been cursed out in front of other students and the
administrators ALWAYS take the student's side. When
students are written up for their offenses it is always an
excuse for the disruptive student's behavior. Problems at
home, the student has an anger problem etc..are always
presented in the student's defense. When will my rights
be considered? I have read posts from the site and I see
that basically teachers in Mississippi have no rights.
The next offense will be teachers being attacked as a
result of the administration's failure to discipline
unruly students. Is there anything the state department
can do about these issues?
Barbara /blockquote>

Wait out the budget crisis and then come to California-
higher pay and stronger unions. I don't put up with any of
that stuff.

On 3/21/08, Disgusted wrote:
> I am a first year teacher that teaches middle school. I
> have been the victim of numerous verbal attacks where I
> have been cu...See More
Mar 21, 2008
Dawne /blockquote>

Justice comes a little slow in Mississippi, in my opinion. I am a teacher with 15 +
years experience. I have spent the last two years seeking justice for the unfair
treatment from administrators. After a variety of allegations, proof of the
allegations, a change in the superintendent of our district, and the unf...See More
Mar 24, 2008
fatcoach /blockquote>

when we gonna start a union?

On 3/24/08, Dawne wrote:
> Justice comes a little slow in Mississippi, in my opinion. I
am a teacher with 15 +
> years experience. I have spent the last two years seeking
justice for the unfair
> treatment from administrators. After a variety of
allegati...See More
Mar 25, 2008
you are right /blockquote>

If anyone is interested, they should contact Cecil Brown on
the Education Committe of the Mississippi Legislature to
express a complaint and lobby for a Teacher Rights Bill.

An idea for a Teachers' Rights Bill has already been
presented to him before the last legislative session, but he
is still n...See More
May 20, 2008

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