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Yesterday I helped administer the English II test.
Something has to be done. We had been told it would be
harder, but it was ridiculous. The students began the test
at 9:15; it was 2 p.m. before the first ones were
finished. At noon, they were all given a slice of pizza
and a bottle of water. They were given a handful of hard
candy to keep their energy. By lunch time, their eyes were
beginning to glaze over. This almost 5 hours, joined with
the 3 to 4 hours they spent back in March writing the
essay means that the English II test is an 8 or 9 hour
test. Not even the GRE, the MCAT, or other graduate school
test goes like that. And, these are 10th graders! Every
English teacher in the state needs to e-mail Hank Bounds.
Testing is one thing, but this is absurd!

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