MS Teachers
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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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What do teachers here in Mississippi do during summer
vacation? I'd like to get some kind of part-time job, but
here where I live, the choice is limited: pick peaches,
pick blueberries, work at a fast-food place or WalMart, or
get a job as a waitress. Isn't there anything a bit more
in keeping with a teacher's respect level for us to do to
earn some extra money?
girl in gulfport /blockquote>

On 6/06/08, skylark2868 wrote:
> What do teachers here in Mississippi do during summer
> vacation? I'd like to get some kind of part-time job, but
> here where I live, the choice is limited: pick peaches,
> pick blueberries, work at a fast-food place or WalMart, or
> get a job as a waitres...See More
Jun 7, 2008

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