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I just read this thread today (7/17/08), but hoping that "girl in gulfport" sees this:

How were you able to read on the language portion of the test? Our STC and DTC said we were not able to read ANYTHING on that test. I had 7th SPED students who read at 2nd grade level that could have answered lots of the language arts questions (based on the practice test) if only I could have read the test to them. But then again....the whole NCLB concept and its ridiculous regulations are at odds with IDEA/SPED rights. It's like trying to fit a square peg into round hole! I'm all for the basic premises of trying to insure that our mild to moderate SPED kids are receiving good instruction (and teachers are doing their jobs and not just leaving SPED kids to color or play computer games), but expecting a student who comes to you in August reading at a 2nd grade level and expecting that you'll have him ready to test at 7th grade level come May is absurd. I guess that I got off the point...sorr...See More
?? You can read the language (Engliths) part but not the reading part. It seems to me that if kids have accomadations in reading such as having text read aloud to them, it is grossly unfair to expect them to read the state test on their on. Yes, yes, I know it is testing comprehension. Some really savvy parents need to get on this issue.

On 7...See More
Jul 17, 2008
missy The kids I'm talking about DID HAVE reading accommodations, but that didn't matter to our test coordinators! We could not read even the instructions to our SPED kids on that test. We even took the sections (Reading and Lang.)on two different days!!! Our STC and DTC said that ruling was from MDE and conveyed to them at a testing training seminar. If...See More
Jul 17, 2008
girl in gulfport I was only allowed to read directions on the reading portion of the language arts test. On the language part, I was able to read questions and answers. That was it. I don't think I read the reading passages, but I can't remember now what I read and what I didn't read.

On 7/17/08, missy wrote: > I just read this thread today (7/17/08), ...See More
Jul 18, 2008
girl in gulfport The fact that they wouldn't allow it even though it was written in an IEP makes them in violation of IDEA. If a child has a reading accomodation, they should have the items read (but not in reading). It all depends on how the accomodation is worded also.

On 7/17/08, missy wrote: > The kids I'm talking about DID HAVE reading accommodati...See More
Jul 18, 2008
girl in gulfport To not follow a written accomodation on an IEP is ILLEGAL! They were completely misguided in what they did. Perhaps an annonymous call to someone at the state might be in order? Or are there any parents who, knowing this, would raise a stink? They were wrong, and they broke the law.

On 7/17/08, missy wrote: > The kids I'm talking about ...See More
Aug 1, 2008

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