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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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Does anyone have any ideas on what I can do with this education degree I have? I am done teaching. I signed up to teach - not do paperwork. I feel like I am a pencil pusher... I am seriously thinking about getting an office job - somewhere that I don't have so much on me all the time. This work takes too much of my home life and it has made me literally sick. I have knots in my stomach and I can't sleep at night.

I don't even teach a tested grade. Help!!! What are alternate careers for current teachers? I want out of the education system completely.
frustrated DHS has positions, but I've been there and done that. Believe me, this is much better and believe it or not, this pays more. Welcome to Mississippi.

On 8/11/08, I Teach 2 (for now) wrote: > Does anyone have any ideas on what I can do with this > education degree I have? I am done teaching. I signed up > to teach - not do paperwork...See More
Sep 5, 2008

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