MS Teachers
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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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Dear Fellow Educators,

What affects the marketability of a professional educator? If you had to interview for a job as an educator, today, would you be hired, or would there be factors that affect your marketability? Take this survey...find out! Results will be posted May 11, 2009. NO NAMES PLEASE!

Thank you, Ea
I tried the survey, but it didn't work properly...nfm On 3/18/09, EA MCGRAW wrote: > Dear Fellow Educators, > > What affects the marketability of a professional educator? > If you had to interview for a job as an educator, today, > would you be hired, or would there be factors that affect > your marketability? > Take this survey...find out! Results will be posted May 11, > 2009...See More
Mar 20, 2009

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