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Our school wants us to turn in tests weekly so that they can see if we are properly assessing Common Core Standards. The only thing is that when they tell us our tests are "good enough", they can't direct us in the right place because they've "NEVER SEEN A COMMON CORE ASSESSMENT BEFORE." How in the world do they know I'm doing it wrong if they've never seen test samples? How can they tell anyone they're right either???

Does anyone have any input from their districts to help in making new tests?
don't know either You have asked a very good question. One of our teachers went to a workshop put on by MDE. He asked about materials to teach common core. They said they had none. He asked where do we find them. They said "just look at the standards". Okay, just call me stupid but how can just looking at the standards help kids who need some materials in their hand...See More
Oct 9, 2011
skylark2868 I teach high school English, and this summer I spent time reading the Core Standards that will be introduced in high school in a couple of years. As I read them, I looked at my literature and grammar texts to see what I might need. Well, guess what - I really won't need anything new. All the material is in the texts; I just have to adapt my lesson ...See More
Oct 28, 2011

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