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I have never been in this position before and frankly, My question to the forum is this: what are the boundaries that should not be crossed by other teachers.

I'm shocked that it is happening to me. My building was divided into two classrooms. The new classroom has doors that lock but my classroom is accessed by the outside doors.

I have spoken with my administrator who told me that it was my responsibility to speak to the other teacher. Even though I have spoken to the new teacher about raiding my consumable supplies, she continues to do so all last year.

When I came in to set up my room, my closets had been rifled for bulletin board paper and paint to make spirit banners for the cheerleading squad. Yes, the new teacher is now the cheerleader sponsor.

While I was there, another administrator came in to collect the banners who told me that he was asked to do so by my administrator. So, my administrator is aware that the situation is continuing. <...See More

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