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So, you know we have no budget for ... well, anything. But, like the rest of you, I buy supplies for my classroom out of my pocket.

Today we did an art project in class, and my seniors' attitude towards it could be described as disgruntled and surly. You'd think they'd have enjoyed something creative.

I gave them directions for returning their materials, but after they left, I found a whole box of crayons (brand new, second time they've been used) purposefully smashed and broken and left on the floor in the back corner ... and several other boxes just left on desks for me to pick up. It stuck me badly. The disrespect, the negative attitude. Another day I'd probably blow it off, but today it hurt me.
Bill T retired On 10/08/15, A wrote: > > The disrespect, the negative attitude. > Another day I'd probably blow it off, but today it hurt me. > ***************************************************************

It always does.

little surprised that seniors in high school would do this. Some of them are already "adults," legall...See More
Oct 8, 2015
Bill T retired An additional thought.

Right no, teachers, all kinds of them, are being highly disrespected by the powers that be and that can make any slight seem worse and more painful. It's one of the reasons I checked out to years tired of feeling beaten up and disrespected;\. It gets old real fast.

The fact that you took the time...See More
Oct 8, 2015
hst A, I am sorry you had this happen. I agree greatly with Bill T that undoubtedly there were students who benefited from and appreciated this assignment. Also, I teach primarily freshen but sometimes have upperclassmen sprinkled in. Currently in an honors class it is the upperclassmen who are sometimes disrespectful. I could give examples but they wo...See More
Oct 10, 2015

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