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For those people who want to become certified in New
Hampshire and do not have the time or patience to sweat
through a conventional program (I wish I knew about this
three years ago!) Please consider American Board
Certification for Teacher Excellence. Their website is
[link removed].
dotb /blockquote>

Did he tell you that you have to pay $500 up front before
they tell you waht you have to do to get certified?


On 6/17/05, Richard Kahn wrote:
> For those people who want to become certified in New
> Hampshire and do not have the time or patience to sweat
> through a convention...See More
Jul 2, 2005
Miss Bailey /blockquote>

On 7/02/05, dotb wrote:
> Did he tell you that you have to pay $500 up front before
> they tell you waht you have to do to get certified?
> -Dot

Certification procedure is public information. You DO NOT have
to pay for this information. There is no secret way to be
certif...See More
Jul 30, 2005
Rich Kahn /blockquote>

No, but the website does tell you. Now the price has gone up
(since I didn't request email replies, I never knew that
someone had responded to my post.) I plan to follow through
with ABCTE certification and will let you know if the posted
price is the final price. Since I graduated with my M.Ed.
last May...See More
Mar 22, 2007

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