NH Teachers
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When does NH do most of its hiring for teachers? I
currently live in FL and teach Kindergarten. I am in my
third year teaching and have been thinking about moving to
the Manchester area for about a year. However, I have not
seen many openings at all for Elementary teachers. Any
advice would help.

dotb /blockquote>

Job start getting posted around January and they continue to
right about now. School starts for me in a couple of days.
By the first day of Sept. everyone has started.

I am told that elementary is hard to get into-very
competitive. I understand it is easier to find a job in Fla.
than NH. But if you ...See More
Aug 23, 2005
Megan /blockquote>

Thanks a lot, you have been very helpful. And you are right
about FL, there are a lot of openings and they have increased
every year.

On 8/23/05, dotb wrote:
> Job start getting posted around January and they continue to
> right about now. School starts for me in a couple of days.
> By...See More
Aug 24, 2005

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