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Hello, I just moved back to NH after 4 years in
California. I am going to apply for the NH license under
Alternative 3A for elementary education. The requirements
are a bachelors degree and 3 full time months of teaching
experience. I was not certified in California, however I
was a substitute teacher for over a year, an after school
program instructor for a year, and taught summer school to
a 5th grade class. Does anyone know anything about the
requirements for Alternative 3A and what they mean by '3
full time months of teaching experience'? DO you think I
have enough experience for that or are they looking for
something different? It is sort of vague.
dotb /blockquote>

Hi, On the board of Ed website they list contact info with
every alternative. I think your best chance of getting the
best answer is to contact them directly. When I had a
question about alt IV I emailed the contact person and got a
very timely reply.


On 11/01/05, Angie wrote:
>...See More
Nov 2, 2005

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