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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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What do you do when you know a teacher is not teaching? I
did my student teaching with a teacher that does nothing
basically. He sleeps during classtime and asks for me to
tape shows to keeps his students occupied. I am currently
looking for a job and it's as if the job is just staring
at me in the face. I know I will have a hard time finding
a job in the area I want to teach. If I say something it's
me who will look bad. I currently work at the school but
as an aide till something opens up. But who knows when
that will be. It pains me to watch a teacher get away with
this at the same time I want his job.
dotb /blockquote>

The teacher I was assigned to when I did my student teaching
was horrible. I think the reason they assigned me to him was
so that the kids would get some instruction that year. It
was a long time ago and if I had to do it over again I would
have told the college to either re-assign me or give me back
my ...See More
Dec 19, 2005

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