Public education in Texas is in BIG trouble! We have a politician in Austin who is from Arlington, and is the head of the education committee. His name is Kent Grusendorf anf he hates teachers! He blames teachers for his son's suicide, and has been punishing teachers since he was elected. If he gets re-elected, we will lose our continuing contracts. We'll also lose our 22-1 class cap for K-3, and our 30-minute duty-free lunch (I never knew those existed until I came to Texas!) He supports vouchers, which as we all know takes money from public education. There is a lady running against him this year who has a good chance of defeating him. Her name is Diane Patrick. Early voting for this primary election is Feb 21 - March 3, and the regular election is March 7. We have it on good authority that he plans to initiate a nasty smear campaign against her just prior to the primary. Those of us who care about our children are asking that voters who live in District 94 call, write, or email their friends and family to ask them to vote for Diane Patrick. We're even asking those dyed-in-the-wool, straight-Democrat-ticket voters to, JUST THIS ONCE, to vote in the primary, vote early, and vote for Diane Patrick. If you have friends or family in the Arlington, Texas, area please forward this email to them and ask them to help us defeat Kent Grusendorf. Thanks, and have a great rest-of-the-year!