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I read two posts in Oct about substitute teaching and find
you only need a 4 year degree. I am a college professor
with a PhD but I am considering trying to sub 1-2 times a
week (or of course, when I get called). How do I find out
about opportunities? Is there some sort of list you can
join. Do you contact the schools? I am in Manchester but
can travel to other areas as well. As a scientist I could
sub in a number of different subjects. Thanks for any and
all advice.
it's easy. /blockquote>

Just the superintendant's office of the district(s) that you
would like to sub in, and they will put you on thier sub
list. You will need to be fingerprinted if you have not
been already.
Good luck
On 4/26/06, Michele wrote:
> I read two posts in Oct about substitute teaching and find
> you ...See More
Apr 29, 2006

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