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Columnist compiles collection of works
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Bill Roddey of Lewistown has collected his humor columns,
poetry and short stories in a 208-page book titled "Bald
Ain't Beautiful" (PublishAmerica, $19.95).

Roddey drew upon a newspaper humor column he has written
for more than 25 years. He also had been a stand-up
comedian in New York and a television comedy writer.

Roddey would be an excellent reader and performer
in classes and/or seminars. As would ohther members
of the Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel's Flying Marmottes--
a performance/teaching group active in the mid-Altantic
states as well as Vermont and other New England states.
Dan G. Spaeth /blockquote>

I am well aware of this group's activities. They
did a fine presentation for a PSPA gathering
a while back. I understood they presented a literary
performance seminar at at St. Joe's in Philly that went
quite well.
They host a variety of events throughout the mid-Atlantic
States as well as providing a wee...See More
Feb 5, 2008

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