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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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I am a teacher in San Diego, Ca. I am looking to relocate
to the East Coast - north East. I was thinking I would
spend 2006-2007 applying and flying out for interviews BUT I
decided I had a spur up my butt and I'd like to move out
there this summer and get going with things.

I was hoping and praying that I could find a place that was
very desperate for teachers (maybe rural or rough area or
something) that might hire me with a phone interview,
resume, letters of rec, ect. since I can't afford to fly out
this summer. Then I would move out there and teach for one
year - meanwhile spend a few days here and there driving to
other areas on the E. Coast trying to apply and get
interviews for the 2007-2008 school year.

Basically my theory was even if I got a job in a cruddy
school or neighborhood at least I would only suffer for 1
year, knowing that I would find a way to another school the
next year.
...See More
John Stone /blockquote>

try [link removed]

my school district uses this site a lot for candidates and posting jobs.

A lot of NH is rural and there are only a few large cities.

Weather here is not hot and humid. it is great most of the time.

Good luck in your search. I just hired a grade 2 teacher lst week for ne...See More
May 29, 2006

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