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I am a guidance counselor in NH and have had an extremely
difficult time finding a position. I have had my
certification for five years. It took me a year to get my
first position it was a temporary position. The next year
I interviewed again and was told to get more experience -
how do you do this if you can't get a job. I finally did
get a job as a counselor for two years. This job recently
became part-time so I had to begin the interview process
once again - I though great at least now I have
experience - wrong - this time around the interview
process has been all about the "fit". I am getting very
frustrated. Any ideas on how to portray the "right fit"
during interviews? I am starting to feel like something is
wrong with my personality - I know this is not true but
how much rejection can a person go through before they
start taking it personally?
John /blockquote>

The position has been filled and I thank all those who showed interest in it.

Aug 21, 2006

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