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My name is Karin Athanas and I am hoping to move to the
New England area sometime next year. I am looking for a
teaching position in science and have already received my
Letter of Eligibility to teach Biology. I am also
expecting to receive a Letter of Eligibility to teach
Earth Science and Chemistry. If anyone knows of a position
or can point me in the right direction I would appreciate
it. Thank you in advance for the help.
John Stone /blockquote>

A bit early to know if we will openings for next school year since we just started
school for this year. I would think that Science is a good area because it is so
special so chances are good you will find a Science job easy enough.
Aug 31, 2006
Yanni Milos /blockquote>

Karin Athanas: Pos ise? Check out the SAUs in Southern New
Hampshire, especially Manchester. We are in great need for
qualified, competent instructors in all areas and this need is
sorely felt in math and science. I am afraid that New
Hampshire is better known for its geographic beauty and not
for its fi...See More
Sep 1, 2006

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