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I’m originally from NH and relocated to Santa Fe, New Mexico
because NM advertised they needed teachers desperately.
There are no jobs here. I have my NH certification, but the
only experience I have under my belt is student teaching.
Which districts are first year teacher friendly? I want to
come home.
Lundi /blockquote>

Most likely in Manchester and Nashua where there are a
mixture of local and flatlander teachers. The farther north
you go, such as the North Country, though a lovely area, is
solidly local run and unfriendly to outsiders which is a
shame due to the fact that students suffer from lack of
better educated a...See More
Jan 31, 2007
andrew /blockquote>

For those seeking employment in New Hampshire and New
please check out this site:

[link removed]

It is an employment agency for teachers located in
Manchester, NH.
Give it a try... good luck to all, but please remember that
hiring practices prevail in the Granite Stat...See More
Feb 9, 2007
Huh??? /blockquote>

I was a teacher in NY for 12 years before moving to the Northcountry. I could not
DISAGREE with you more. My guess is that you have never taught here and based
your assumption off of rumor and speculation. I was welcomed and made to feel
100% comfortable by my school.

i make no judgement on the schools...See More
Apr 20, 2007

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