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As the school years open I must come to a decision about if
I want to continue looking for a job. I have a BA in psyc,
and Med in education. I moved away for two years and
taught. Last summer I moved home to NH because I was home
sick. I subbed in one school district and then took on a
perm sub job for the last two months of the year.
Unfortunately as most schools have already had thier first
day I am sitting here without a teaching job. This summer I
didn't even get a call for an interview. I have had a few
principals to look my resume packet over and they can't
find anything wrong with it. Could it be that I only have
one current reference letter from last year? I will drop
off my packets but many times don't get to see the
principal. Hmmm . It really hurts that I can't get a
teaching job. I put many hours into my classroom and will
do anything for my students to be successful. I can't
afford to sub anymore beca...See More
Jennifer Mecus /blockquote>


I was in your position for the past 4 years. I was extremely
frustrated. I even went as far as hiring an agency to help
me. Still nothing. By chance I noticed an ad for a program
director at a private school. As luck would have it, I was

If you are interested in teaching sci...See More
Aug 31, 2007
Jo /blockquote>

And what levels/subjects?

There is a 1st grade permanent sub in Concord.

There is 5th grade in Sunapee, gifted/talented in Nashua, a
couple of reading specialist positions.
Sep 1, 2007
Dave /blockquote>

You should try wearing some revealing clothing the next time you
go for an interview or go to a school to meet a principal. You
need to wear sexy cloths to set yourself apart from all the old
teachers in the school. Try that and you should get some more
interviews and probably a job.

Good luck!!!
...See More
Sep 17, 2007
Alexander Schlimiel /blockquote>

Dave I believe you are being facetious, if not, revealing
garments may not have affect on most of the double-digited
morons in charge of hiring at most NH SAUs. Local hiring
practices reign supreme with their cronyism and nepatism. Also
most SAUs do not want to hire outside talent out of fear of
outshini...See More
Sep 26, 2007

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