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It's been 8 years since I graduated College. At the time
I was going for PE and took every and all classes
required. Unfortunatly for me I did not have the
opportunity to student teach because I had a full time
job. This full time job and the FACTS OF LIFE did not
allow me to quit my job (had bills) and finish the
program.......hence I am 8 years and one 3 month student
teaching class from a degree. It is so fustrating knowing
that given the opportunity I could be a great teacher. I
am currently NH alt 5 PE, alt 4 general science, general
special education, biology, physical science.

Wishing I was like every other student that mom and dad


No sympathy /blockquote>


Poor you. Stop it, you are an adult. Thousands of kids
work their way through college without parental support,
myself included. Yes, it meant hardship, no car, few
leisure activities, etc, but you have to be willing to
sacrifice and work for what you want. How did you manage to
pay for c...See More
Feb 19, 2008

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