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I'm trying to do my own homework on this subject. I am
hoping to hear from the staff & faculty to better
understand all sides before the upcoming meeting in
Sullivan. To the best of my understanding, the selectmen
and a group of "taxpayers" are angry that staff, teachers
and administrators are being compensated (with tax dollars)
without those decisions (and dollar amounts) being directly
voted on and approved by "the taxpayers". It seems to me
that instead of attacking the retirement and health
benefits etc. that are earned by the faculty & staff, we
should all be demanding these same benefits for all. It
also seems to me that to pursue a career in education, a
person must first invest huge amounts of time and money to
prepare and then they must continue to commit to furthering
their education in order to maintain and advance their
career. For the amount of investment required, the total
compensation pack...See More

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