NH Teachers
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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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Hello, everyone! I just stumbled upon this site. I'm not
used to writing in cyberspace, but I'm taking an online
course (PBS Teacherline)that requires online communicating,
so I'm getting better at it:). I am in the process of
looking for a teaching position in the Manchester, Bedford,
Goffstown etc areas. I hold a Masters degree, have taught
3rd grade (mostly), Title 1 and worked quite a bit with
k-3rd grades. I have been a stay-home mom for the past 2
years and am excited to get back to the classroom full time.
Does anyone have any suggestions? This looks like a great
site and I would appreciate feedback. Thanks!
view previous comments
by a friend, again.. plus advice /blockquote>


Try these:

[link removed]

[link removed]

teachers to teachers.com


The last two you need to register with, fill out the resume,
click on the states you would be willing to work in, includes NH
and all 50, courses you wish to teach, and yo...See More
Apr 11, 2008
JB /blockquote>

On 4/11/08, by a friend, again.. plus advice wrote:
Thank you so much! I have checked and pasted these sites. They are
very useful! I really appreciate your taking the time to let me
know! You really are A FRIEND!

> Try these:
> [link removed]!
Apr 11, 2008
your friend, again /blockquote>

[link removed]=

JB, Copy and paste this site on to your search engine... you will
get many pages... a few on the first page are really worth a
perusal, especially the NH teaching job list and the school spring
site. Good luck, your friend

On 4/11/08, JB wrote:
> On 4/11/08, by a friend, ...See More
Apr 14, 2008
JB /blockquote>

Again, my dear friend, thank you!


n 4/14/08, your friend, again wrote:
> [link removed]!
Apr 16, 2008
friend to friend, JB /blockquote>

JB, how did things pan out with your job search? Any bites?

If you have any questions about teaching in NH or need more job ideas,
please feel free to ask. I know the system here.

Your Granite State friend.

On 4/16/08, JB wrote:
> Again, my dear friend, thank you!
> O
...See More
May 7, 2008

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