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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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Why is it that when doctors have a lot of experience we
respect them more with more pay and prestige, but when you
are a teacher with a lot of experience and you want to find
another job, you have too much experience and you are too
expensive? Isn't experience valuable? I have applied for
two jobs this spring that I was certainly qualified for and
I didn't even get an interview. I want to keep growing. I
don't want to be one of those teachers that just keeps
doing the same thing and I can't grow staying where I am.
Any suggestions, anyone? I am ready to leave the field, if
I can't move on and continue to grow. Very Frustrated!!
Musicmae /blockquote>

I hear you - first they said I did not have enough
experience, and then when I became experienced they told me
it was the fit they were looking for. All I can say is hang
in there, someone will hire you. You know as much as I do
it is all about who you know, popularity, and money. Why
pay someone a lot o...See More
May 21, 2008
Curious /blockquote>

Kathy: I am curious...where did you apply for teaching
jobs? Thanks, Curious

On 5/20/08, Kathy wrote:
> Why is it that when doctors have a lot of experience we
> respect them more with more pay and prestige, but when you
> are a teacher with a lot of experience and you want to find
> an...See More
May 21, 2008

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