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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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Hello!! I just found this website. I don't know how many
people are on here, but I thought I would come on over. I
just got laid off from my private school teaching position
(a HUGE decrease in enrollment :( ) And I would like to
get into public school teaching. I have been looking for
awhile bbut i have had no luck. I have experience and I am
confidant I am a great teacher. Have I totally missed the
ball here or will more positions open as the summer goes
on?? Help? Advice? Job leads? (I am in the Manchester
area) Hope to talk with you all more! ~ Kate
Leah /blockquote>

I am not in NH, but you may be interested in the following article. If you are an
elementary teacher, you can click on questions and portfolio links in the article.

Best wishes! It is not too late....
Jun 23, 2008
Jack give me a call (239) 248-5773 i can offer you a job working from the computer


go to my website [link removed]
Mar 10, 2009

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