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Just my thoughts....

I read so many posts about people saying you have to know someone or be related or blah blah blah in NH and most SAU in NH. As a Principal I hire the best of the applicants based on my team who interviews with me. I hired a teacher via phone interviews from Ohio, new staff right out of college who were complete unknowns to us, did not hire some good friends due to one reason or other, hired older teachers, younger teachers, those with no experience at all because we had a gut feeling they were going to be good and THEY WERE! I believe everyone needs that first break and if they seem good enough etc. they will get the job!

I really feel comments like hiring in NH is all based on who you know, from within etc. is a COP OUT for those who are upset they did not get a job after an interview and are not happy so some excuse has to be made.

I will not disagree that in some places there is hiring based on who you know etc no matter if you are ...See More
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An amusing account near Concord I was interviewed for a Special Ed position at a school near Concord. The day before my meeting with the assistant principal, I checked out the SAU's site so I could be better prepared for the question-and-answer session. The interview went very well, and the assistant principal, who originally hailed from my hometown of Boston, asked me in our inf...See More
Sep 9, 2008
not surprised Not surprised about that Concord account. Head up to the North Country and it's even worse.

On 9/09/08, An amusing account near Concord wrote: > I was interviewed for a Special Ed position at a school near > Concord. The day before my meeting with the assistant > principal, I checked out the SAU's site so I could be better > pr...See More
Sep 13, 2008
Roshero I work for a private school in the Concord Area. I was giving an opportunity to work because of my skills. not because I knew someone inside. so I am on the other side of this discussion . I think is possible. I have a friend who also is on the public sector of esucation and she got the job because of her qualifications...so you guys tell me... ...See More
Jan 28, 2009
anon hi John, I am sure that you are right, that not all teaching positions are granted on a who-you-know basis, but, ironically, once I did ask why I did not get the job and I was told: "you did fine, it is just that the person who did get it was better connected".

That was back when I was only certified in Social Studies and face it, you hav...See More
Mar 8, 2009
Granite Guy It amazes me that people do not understand that as much as having a Masters helps you....it also hurts you.

People with Masters expect to get paid more. In these economic conditions, schools are purposely not hiring people with Masters unless they fill a needed role.

Schools...like everything else....are a business at the end of t...See More
Dec 4, 2009

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