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Soon my family will be moving to NH and we are thinking of the southern part of the state either central or towards the seacoast area. I am a secondary certified mathematics instructor and I was wondering about job availability and I have tried to visit the state department of ed website, but I find it a little confusing compared to my own home state. Isnt there anywhere that you can go to do a search for available positions by area? My ideal position would be an Algebra I or II classroom, although I am not opposed to working in higher math as well (pre cal, electives, calculus).
Roshero I'm sorry I can no help you with more but here is this link [link removed]

On 1/28/09, Andrea wrote: > Soon my family will be moving to NH and we are thinking of > the southern part of the state either central or towards > the seacoast area. I am a secondary certified mathematics > instructor and I was wondering about job avail...See More
Jan 28, 2009

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