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Hello, I had a second interview this past week for a middle school math position. My interview was with the superintendent of schools. At the end of the interview, I was asked to prepare a response to the following three essays for my next interview with him. I am so nervous trying to complete the essays that I think I am experiencing a brain freeze because I am struggling to complete them. I know essays have to be 5 paragraphs in length. The first essay is "The Teacher I Aspire to Be", I only have two paragraphs (My philosophy). The second essay is "Teaching Mathematics to Middle School Students". I only have three key points so far for this essay: Critical thinking and Problem solving; differentiated instruction; and How Math Standards are met. The third essay is "Technology In The Mathematics Classroom". I only have two key points for this essay so far: Why use technology in math; and My experience with technology (smartboard, graphing calculator, student response system, excel, pow...See More
CTJS The first essay is "The Teacher I Aspire to Be", I > only have two paragraphs (My philosophy). I would put something in this essay about what type of teacher you envision yourself becoming. Are you planning on taking more courses? Do you envision yourself becoming a club or activity advisor? How will you meet your goals? Will you create a Person...See More
Jun 21, 2010
MSMTNJ THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I will let you know how it goes.

Thank you again.

On 6/21/10, CTJS wrote: >>The first essay is "The Teacher I Aspire to Be", I >> only have two paragraphs (My philosophy). > I would put something in this essay about what type of teacher > you envision yourself becoming. Are you planning on ta...See More
Jun 21, 2010
kathy I would also suggest adding something about the importance of math in today's life. Stating connections between math and every day life for question 2.

For question 3 basically the same idea how math and technology are connected in today's work force and importance of understanding this connection.

Good luck.

On 6/21/10, ...See More
Jun 26, 2010

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