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My understanding was the recent infusion of fed money was strictly for teacher compensation with idea that teachers will be rehired. I was RIF'd and was hoping this may result in a rehire. (My supervisors, principal, etc. assured me I would have been renewed had it not been for the budget cuts.) Have any of the unemployed teachers out there been rehired as a result of this?The timing seems crazy considering school starts in just over two weeks. This whole thing has been so emotionally trying and I'm wondering if this funding is just a false hope.
Fred The money hasn't even come in yet. And when it does it has to be allocated out by some formula. I don't know when this will happen, but probably not before school starts. And the way christie feels about public education, I'm sure he won't push anything quickly. So I'm not sure how this will effect hiring teachers back for this semester. Schools al...See More
Aug 21, 2010
dmg Yes, you are right. I've since learned that most of the money will be used for the 2011-2012 school year in anticipation of budgets for next year which will very likely bring even more cuts. I have been looking elsewhere, but unfortunately, I haven't had any luck. To make matters worse, NJ lost out on the $400M in the Race to the Top. This whole si...See More
Aug 24, 2010
Fred Yes, very depressing. I spent the past two years in graduate school after leaving industry only to finish my MAT during the worst possible time in history to become a teacher.

It's bad for everyone, I see businesses all around town that have gone out of business.

I was however very lucky, I found a job. I owe it to the fact that I...See More
Aug 24, 2010
dmg I'm so happy that you found a job!! It seems that science and math are the only areas with any hope. I also left the business world and went back to school to get my NJ teacher cert. I taught high school English and absolutely loved it. I have great reviews and recommendations but, as you said about your friends, I can't even get an interview. I ju...See More
Aug 25, 2010

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