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Here’s the origin of your “ivory tower.” (I have heard mummy and daddy and Uncle Rush use it many times, but I never knew where it came from.) From [link removed]

. . . the earliest work in English that specifically refers to the current meaning of the phrase is a collaborative work of Frederick Rothwell and the splendidly named Cloudesley Shovell Henry Brereton -H. L. Bergson's Laughter, 1911: "Each member [of society] must be ever attentive to his social surroundings - he must avoid shutting himself up in his own peculiar character as a philosopher in his ivory tower." What? Each person compared to the isolated philosopher? We can all live in ivory towers—maybe we do already? This metaphor is dead. It is also a snarl phrase. What’s that? See S. I. Hayakawa: Language in Thought and Action Snarl-words are words used for their unpleasant, disparaging connotations rather than for their actual reference. (I took this from [link removed] . . .

As for the Wiggi...See More
Reality check Keep on rambling. Now you tell which sayings are "dead?"

As with your love for Wiggins, you are clueless.

Why don't you tell us again how "you don't know" but "you do know."

You are a classic example of a teacher (or so you claim) that has no clue as to what happens in the world outside your little ivory tower.

G...See More
Apr 26, 2011
Card, O S one each My esteemed colleague . . .

I get it now. You think I am at once a fool, and a shill for Dr. Wiggins.

You can believe what you want about the former, but at no point in my previous posts do I hint at support for Wiggin's ideas about utilitarian education, the elimination of fiction from school curricula, or even UBD.

If ...See More
Apr 26, 2011
Reality check I am not your "colleague" as I don't suffer fools.

Of course, you are correct that policy makers want all public schools to fail. ARE YOU KIDDING?? Your paranoia is beyond those of your union leaders. You don't think things through before spewing your vomit. You hate being accountable for your statements.

It's easy to see why stud...See More
Apr 26, 2011

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