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OK, so I am 50, and have a few years of teaching experience, no tenure, and just got RIF'd. I JUST finished my M.Ed, and am sad to say that I think I need to cut my losses and go back to corporate. I used to be an executive assistant and I don't want to do that anymore.

so, if you were to leave the profession, what would you do?

I have some ideas but I thought maybe all you helpful folks here may be able to see more clearly than I can. I am so sad to leave this profession, but I need to find something little more stable (even tho there really is no such thing in this economy).

same boat I'm also close to your age, came from industry, got my masters in teaching to prepare myself for a second career.

So far my teaching experience has sucked. There is no professionalism in the field and teachers are treated like second rate citizens.

The thing is I love working with the kids. I really felt I was making a difference ...See More
Jun 29, 2011

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