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Teaching is my passion and life's path. I just need a venue! I have a Master's in Curriculum and Instruction, a NJ certification and experience. Right now, my focus is elementary education, but I am flexible. What kinds of teachers are needed the most in NJ? I welcome all comments, suggestions and advice. Thank you!
Math Teach Your "focus is in Elementary Ed", but you're flexible. So, I assume that you may want to teach a secondary subject? If that's the case, then the logical questions are:

What subject do you have a passion for? Are you competent in it?

I never understood the I want to teach, but don't know what subject I want to teach phiolosphy. May...See More
Jul 18, 2011
Kristin My passion does not derive from subject matter. It derives from the needs of my students. Passion and practicality are both necessary in order to be an effective teacher.

Thanks for the advice.

On 7/18/11, Math Teach wrote: > > Your "focus is in Elementary Ed", but you're flexible. > So, I assume that you may want to te...See More
Jul 18, 2011
Catsister The subjects that are in demand--the only ones in this economy, really--are AP Calculus and AP Physics. At one point, it was fairly easy to get hired in a Catholic school for other subjects, but they are closing left and right. Many jobs are filled politically--you have to "know somebody" to be considered. I've heard this about many districts in NJ...See More
Jul 29, 2011
any advice I will be certified Pre to 3rd, come this Spring 2012. How can I address future job prospects of my accreditation and master’s degree without being lost in the shuffle of other resumes? Should I just put in bold print across my resume MAT teaching in Early Childhood/ Special Education P-3 and Special Education? Any advice would be greatly appreci...See More
Jul 30, 2011
Miramira Welll, a secretary told me this summer that she got 2000 applicants for an elementary ed job.

It's tough out there. I know dozens of elementary ed teachers who have never gotten their first job.

I don't know why the colleges keep cranking them out.

I started out in elementary ed and couldn't get a job, so I switched to...See More
Jul 31, 2011

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