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I was a long term sub last school year. At the end of that year I was offered a 2nd long term sub for this coming school year. Considering the economy and that I wasn't guaranteed full time employment elsewhere, I signed the contract, but informed them I would continute to look for permanent employment.

I found a permanent job and put in my notice and now I'm being held to a 60 day resignation notice, which I was surprised to hear about because the districts contract indicates that this only applies to permanent/tenured employees. Is this a standard in New Jersey, to hold temporary employees to the same resignation requirement as permanent employees?

The district posted the position the day I resigned, 730, and they have yet to find a replacement. I am concerned that they won't find anyone and that I will have to start the school year at my old school. Is there anyway to get out of this?

Sarah As far as I know, only contracted employees are held to the 60 day notice. If you did not sign a formal contract, it does not apply. I would contact the business office to find out if your position is contracted or simply appointed. HTH!

On 8/20/13, frustrated teacher wrote: > I was a long term sub last school year. At the end of that &...See More
Aug 28, 2013

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