OH Teachers
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I have a job in Indiana that I intend to stay at. I taught in Ohio a number of years, and my 8 year certificate is going to expire next summer.

My question is should I spend the money to renew/update this or just let it go? I intend to stay in Indiana, but obviously can't predict the future. Any thoughts? Suggestions welcomed.
Let it go! I was in a similar situation as you; however, I had three two-year provisional licenses (Intervention Specialist, Multi-Age and Middle Childhood). I still live in OH, but work in WV. This is my fourth year working in WV, and I love it. I make as much in the county I work in as I would if I had gotten a job in OH, which was impossible! I can literal...See More
Aug 1, 2009
Ohio transplant I agree with "let it go". It cost me $250.00 plus the cost of the Praxis exam to get an Ohio license from GA. I will keep renewing my GA license as the cost is $20.00 and I only have to take 5 hours within the next five years in order to do so. That I can handle. Having to get multiple licenses in order to cover all of your credentials is a big sca...See More
Aug 2, 2009

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