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I am a new teacher this year. I am working near Salem at a
very small school. I was hired two weeks after school
started in a third grade classroom. It took me lots of
hours and week-ends, as you could imagine, to turn the
classroom I was hired to work in into MY classroom. I am
very dedicated to the children in my care. I recently had
an evaluation from the principal at my school which stated
that she is not recommending me for rehire next year. I
was on probationary status. She stated reasons, such as
not returning a manditory survey at the beginning of the
year and having some trouble with classroom management.
She also felt that I seemed to lack common sense, which I
feel is unprofessional of her. Her only reason for that
comment was that I seemed to not know anything during a few
meetings. She also had a problem with my scores in math
and writing. She stated that it SEEMED TO HER that I
didn't...See More
Tater (southern oregon) /blockquote>

I think you followed the right steps by going to your union
rep. They should file a grievance and you should have a
meeting with your principal and the union rep. You should
have someone at your school but this may need a person from
the Salem office or your own local. You deserve to be heard
in this for...See More
May 25, 2002

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