RI Teachers
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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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Hi there, I'm potentially looking to move from Los Angeles
to RI to continue my teaching career. I am fond of
southern RI and may be pursuing a PhD at URI, so would like
to search schools in the Kingston, Wakefield, PeaceDale
area. I've been to the ridoe web-site and have found lots
of info, but no demographic info. I prefer urban, highly
diverse schools (I know RI is different than So. Cal.) and
wonder if any of you could give me any info about the
area. I've got NY and CA credentials in Special Ed, Elem.
Ed and a Reading/Lang. Arts specialist credential on the
way. Thank you in advance for any info you can share, the
more candid the better!!
JJ /blockquote>

Mar 28, 2004

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Language Arts

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