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July 7-11, 2003.
"Reclaiming Connections: Caring, Trust and Social Justice in
Schools and Communities".

A Summer Institute in Cambridge, Mass. sponsored by the Center
for Peaceable Schools at Lesley University.

Practical solutions and hands-on practice for educators, parents
and community members engaged in creating alternatives to a
culture of disconnection and injustice. What role does the teaching
of social justice play in the creation of strong and caring
communities? How can we develop trust across the differences
that so often divide us? What are the components of a truly caring
classroom? How can we rethink and relearn the messages we
receive from the larger culture about how to resolve conflict? What
does it mean to teach peace instead of teaching war? Keynotes
this year include educator Nel Noddings and performance artist
Michael Fowlin. 30 PDPs. $450.

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