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Raggamuffin Connection Inc.

Freddie Powell,Original Jamaican
Olympic Bobsledder

Motivational Speaker
Promoting Cultural & Ethnic Diversity
Some of the Topics in Freddie Powell speech !!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr. Freddie Powell speaks about his experience as one of
the original Jamaican Olympic Bobsledders. While stressing
the importance of teamwork in all aspect of life. He
encourages the students to take their education very
serious. While exhorting them to stay away from drugs,
crimes, and gangs, At the same time emphasizing, the
benefits of cultural and ethnic diversities.
In these times of change and uncertainties it is his (
Freddie Powell) hope that we can reclaim the values of
acceptance and tolerance that this great country America,
and Americans has always stood for.

(Note) Speech can also be integrated with School
program /curriculum.
Or any other s...See More

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