RI Teachers
1 Members

Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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Help me,

I have been offered a Job to teach in RI, High School in
Woonsocket Area, what is the information I need to know?
How is pay increases in RI? How is the Pension? How is
the support sysytem for teachers? Do tell - I need to make
this decision VERY quickly please chime in anyway you can.


woonsocket teacher /blockquote>

welcome to Woonsocket
You will like it here. We are an old community but are
reviving. We have a diverse population.
We have a mentor program for new teachers. Your mentor will
guide you through your first two years of teaching here. He/she
will help you with the myriad of items that experienced
teache...See More
Aug 12, 2003
chad miller /blockquote>

On 8/12/03, Lisa wrote:
> Help me,
> I have been offered a Job to teach in RI, High School in
> Woonsocket Area, what is the information I need to know?
> How is pay increases in RI? How is the Pension? How is
> the support sysytem for teachers? Do tell - I need to make
> th...See More
Feb 19, 2004
chad miller /blockquote>

On 8/12/03, woonsocket teacher wrote:
> welcome to Woonsocket
> You will like it here. We are an old community but are
> reviving. We have a diverse population.
> We have a mentor program for new teachers. Your mentor will
> guide you through your first two years of teaching here.
He/she...See More
Feb 19, 2004

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