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Teachers who provide primary instruction in core academic subjects must be highly qualified under NCLB. As a former teacher and superintendent,I know the pressure that non-HiQ teachers are facing, especially in this economy. ABCTE is a nonprofit organization funded by the U.S. Department of Education and endorsed by the State of South Carolina. In order to enroll in this online program you must hold a bachelor's degree (in any field) from an accredited college or university. We offer you the opportunity to get a nonrenewable teaching certificate that will enable you to immediately enter the teaching profession or make you highly qualified if you are currently working under Non-HiQ status. During the following three years you will fulfill the teaching certification requirements specific to South Carolina to obtain your clear and renewable license or retain your HiQ.. This is a grassroots effort to enable you to stay in your community of choice and work in a profession that does, indeed,...See More

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