WA Teachers
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I can only imagine how tough these last few weeks have
been for all of you. I know who is
the 'negotiator/mediator', and you have my sympathies.
We had to deal with him over here last year...what a
It takes a lot of courage to do what you all are doing.
There is SO much more to a strike than the public ever
knows. Things that can't be discussed in open forum for
one reason or another.
If I lived closer, I'd bring over some fresh
snickerdoodles for all of you on the line.
Take care!
Teresa L. Ryan /blockquote>

I understand supporting our local teachers and schools, after
all they are the ones that are teaching our children. One
thing though.......if our children are so important to these
teachers don't you think they would be thinking about them at
I am SICK & TIRED of the fight for better pay. I am si...See More
Oct 21, 2003
Curious /blockquote>

What happened in Marysville that would demand a strike?
Oct 22, 2003
Celeste /blockquote>

I hope that all the students in colleges and universities paid some attention
to the strike and figure out that investing $60K to $100K to get a degree
in Education is a poor investment at best.....Parents all think they could
do a better job......some homeschool......thats fine......everyone makes
mistakes........See More
Oct 26, 2003
Roxanne in WA /blockquote>

Dear Teresa L. Ryan - Teachers do not get paid all year to work
180 days. Teachers get paid to work 180 days, but the pay for
the entire year is added up and divided by 12 to give a teacher
a set monthly income for the entire year.

My sister-in-law is an LPN. She gets paid an hourly rate. If
she wo...See More
Nov 29, 2003
Sharon R Jasper /blockquote>

All I can say is your most likey a new mother and your already
off to a very poor start. Plus it's obvious you don't work so
quit your bitch'n. Some women should never have children!!
Teresa, are you one of those women!!!
Nov 30, 2003

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