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Hi There,

Can anyone give some insight into how difficult the WEST-B is? I struggled with a few of the reading comprehension practice tests I found online and it's hard to get a good grasp on how difficult it really is. Any tips on how to manage the time (I believe you have 5 hours to get through all sections). Would love to hear from anyone who has taken it. Any information at all is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Kate S. Hi Julia,

I took all three the first time and I would not recommend doing that to anyone. I ran out of time on the writing portion. I am actually having to retake the writing portion again this morning. One may want to consider taking two of the tests on one day and one on another day. Or take them on three different days if that works for...See More
Feb 23, 2017
Julia Hi Kate,

Thanks so much for the advice! I unfortunately am taking the entire thing in one shot :(. Am I destined to fail? Do you know if you get 4 and 1/2 or 5 hours for the whole thing? Do you suggest a minute per question?

Anyway, good luck this morning with the writing portion! Any other tips you can give are greatly appreciate...See More
Feb 23, 2017

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