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I appreciate you taking the time to give me some sound
advice and empathy. The reading specialist got angry with
me when I asked her to come in my classroom and "show" me
how to do these F and P groups during my Core and get
everything else done that they expect of me. We have 2
more years of this Reading "Fist" strait jacket to wear
and I am hoping I can endure until then. We are a
miserable bunch of teachers and I know the kids pick up on
that. I'm not saying it's all bad, but our state,
Arizona, had an independent consulting firm called West Ed
come in from California to help implement RF. They are
not mean or hard-nosed for the most part. However, they
keep adding layer after layer of unreal expectations on
us. Sometimes I feel that if they add too many more
layers I will smother! Fair warning to all of you
teachers. Don't sign on to Reading First. We were so
fooled by it all. It is a nightmare...See More
deb /blockquote>

On 3/30/07, mcr wrote:
> I appreciate you taking the time to give me some sound
> advice and empathy. The reading specialist got angry with
> me when I asked her to come in my classroom and "show" me
> how to do these F and P groups during my Core and get
> everything else done that they e...See More
Apr 1, 2007
SLA /blockquote>

I feel your pain, and also your appreciation. I liked
Brad's response to the other poster...lay low and do what is
instructionally sound. Our large urban district adopted a
fairly structure, scripted series that is seriously flawed.
The publisher's "coach" said, "It doesn't matter what the
children are d...See More
Apr 11, 2007

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