Basically, one man's trash is another man's treasure, so for every hardship position there are may people who like it/love it there, or at are least fine with it to get there foot in the door.
Basically, one man's trash is another man's treasure, so for every hardship position there are may people who like it/love it there, or at are least fine with it to get there foot in the door.
I am in Japan and looking at hard to fill positions like Turkey, Bahrain etc. Is it possible to get LQA if I get a position there and will they pay for the move?
2catsHi. How/where do you get a list of hard to fill worldwide positions? I know that in Japan they sent out an internal list of vacancies for intradistict positions, which were move yourself positions.
If you a...See MoreIt depends. Are you currently a DoDEA overseas teacher in Japan? If yes, then it is possible, although many open positions are being filled internally with teachers agreeing to pay for their own move. You would still keep LQA if you already have that benefit. If not, you may qualified for it if they want/need someone badly enough.
If you are not currently a DoDEA overseas teacher, then you would probably not qualified for LQA if you were hired while living in Japan. But, they would likely pay for the move.
As always, there are also other unique situations that could lead to other answers/options. Good luck!
Anyways, the interview went well and the principal said some...See MoreSo I had an interview for my dream position on Memorial Day, didn't know about the interview because the secretary never sent me the information, she called and said I had an interview now, of course, I said I did not receive anything and she sent the information after the call.
Anyways, the interview went well and the principal said some things that had me believing I had the job. Well about a week and a half later the principal calls me one evening saying my teacher certification expired. I renewed it Oct 2021 but failed to upload it to my DODEA application, but she asked for me to email it to her, which of course I did, her response email wasn't too hopeful. My friend interviewed for now I'm believing for the same position, she ends up getting another offer from another school in another location. We were talking and she suggested I look at my application on DODEA and I do, and there were comments dated June 8, about my teacher certification not being up to date, which I corrected when the principal called me and there was another mistake, so now my application is "not qualified" which I know I am, it's just my documentations were all screwed up.
With all that being said, does anyone know who I can contact anyone to get them to look at my certifications/qualifications? I have tried calling HR, well at least the numbers given on the DODEA website and of course no one answers or the mail box is full and I emailed but haven't heard anything.
I could just kick myself for these clerical errors. Even though the principal secretary made a mistake and didn't send me the link for my interview. I am just so frustrated and needed to vent, so thanks for letting me vent. I hope and pray she can't find anyone, wishful thinking, I know, but still hoping once my stuff gets all situated I will get the job.
Does anyone know what university offers the Continuing teacher education methods classes for art, math and science for people who live in Arkansas? The university of Phoenix doesn't offer to people in Arkansas.
I have an interview Friday morning for a guidance counseling position in Germany. Can anyone provide guidance, pointers, or possible interview questions? It's a phone interview. Thank you!
If you are a DoDDS employee (did not use RAT, fulfilled transportation agreement) and take a job with DDESS, do you pay back summer LQA if you are hired at the start of the school year? What if you are hired over the summer and PCS back stateside for the job- when does your LQA terminate? Any other information that would be helpful for this topic is also greatly appreciated! Happy Friday :)
Is it common to get more than one EAS referral notice for a job? I got a message last month, interviewed and never heard anything. Today I got an exact copy of the referral notice for that same job but dated today.
...See MoreIt's not THAT uncommon. Sometimes they change their minds, change their minds again, and/or something else changes that causes them to repost/relist the position.
It's never a great look/feeling in any field when you interview and then they repost the position, but it's impossible to really know what is going on behind the scenes.
Hope for the best, expect the worst is always the best advice.
IndyGuyhaha, I have a question about the cost of living in Japan. Do DODEA teachers have the option to live on base? Does the LQA cover the majority of rent and utilities for living on the economy?
Yes, LQA generally covers all of the costs for rent and utilities for a very nice place off base. Post allowance went way up in Japan a while back (like tripled). It has dropped back down some, but with the strong dollar to the yen, shopping, paying rent/local bills and even buying gas off base has been cheaper.
Before I take an interview, can anybody tell anybody tell me more about this school? What's it like living there? Is it easy to get flights/ferries off the island to do some traveling?
Basically, one man's trash is another man's treasure, so for every hardship position there are may people who like it/love it there, or at are least fine with it to get ther...See More