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Looking to quickly add more SPED qualifications to my approved areas. Does anyone have a suggestion for a quick way to do so? I will finish my master's in administration in April so would prefer an online work at my own speed option. Thanks in advance.

haha Do you have SPED credits or certifications already? Would you need to do another BA/Masters or just add specific classes?
Nov 15, 2017
Spound28 Just adding specific classes for even more certifications
Nov 15, 2017
haha Depending on what specific area you are looking to add you might need to hunt around a bit. Grand Canyon University has a reasonable number of SPED classes. Also, if possible, take graduate level classes . They will generally pay off when they help you move you up a pay lane (Masters +15, Masters +30 (unless you already have Master +30 graduate cre...See More
Nov 16, 2017
someday Phoenix has a lot of SPED courses amd they are graduate level but I did read once on here that they sometimes don't accept Phoenix credit. I found a class I needed at Phoenix called to ask if they would accept it and was giving the go ahead so I enrolled. There are also continuing education classes at Fresno that are self-paced and reasonably price...See More
Nov 16, 2017

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